Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Gluten-Free Pita Bread


- 1 tablespoon yeast (10 grams)
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon vinegar (apple cider or grape/not malt)
- 1 cup warm milk (soy milk or rice milk if you are allergic to dairy products)
- 1 egg
- ¼ cup of vegetable oil (I use canola)

  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, yeast, baking powder, salt, and sugar).
  2. Mix the vinegar with the egg and the warm milk. 
  3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and start mixing with a wooden spoon and when everything is well incorporated, you can knead by hand.
  4. Shape the dough into a ball and keep in a warm place for 1 hour.
  5. For best results, put in the fridge for 24 hours.
  6. Take it out of the fridge 1 hour before using.
  7. Divide the dough into 6 portions.
  8. Roll each portion into a 15-cm diameter between two sheets of cling film or nylon wrap using a rolling pin.
  9. The best way to bake this bread is to use an electric pancake grill or griddle like Krampouz.
  10. Heat the griddle on high for 10-15 minutes.
  11. Bake the loaves one by one and sprinkle some water around the dough to steam it and keep it moist. Cover with a pan lid.
  12. Flip the bread on the other side and bake.
  13. You can also use a non-stick pan to bake the bread.
  14. Heat the pan on high, transfer the bread to the pan, and sprinkle with water.
  15. Cover the pan and then flip the loaf and bake on the other side.
  16. When the bread is done, cut each loaf in half and open each half into a pocket with a sharp thin knife while still warm.
  17. Fill the bread with any filling you like (cheese, labneh, or turkey slices) and enjoy!

Yields: 6-8 loaves

P.S. Baked bread can keep in the fridge for 3 days and unbaked dough in the freezer for 6 months.

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