Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Easter Eggs with Natural Colors

Easter is in a few days. We are all busy coloring eggs and displaying them for Easter. What kind of dyes do you use? Artificial colors? Do you have any idea what’s inside these colors? Why don’t you use the natural way. Use natural products that can color your eggs and brighten your Easter. If you have a child with Celiac disease, you cannot use artificial colors. So better go for natural! I decided to try several options and see what the results are before I share them with you. I tried several ingredients and the best results were with turmeric, paprika, red cabbage, and onionskins. You can also option green by using spinach.

The instructions are simple. We will guide you step by step to color your eggs the natural way!


- 20 eggs
- 2 tsp turmeric
- 2 tsp paprika and red chili
- 6-7 leaves of red cabbage
- 4-5 yellow onionskins
- 4-5 red onionskins

  1. Use turmeric for yellow colored eggs.
  2. Put a small saucepan filled with water on the heat.
  3. Add turmeric.
  4. Let it come to a boil.
  5. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Dip 4 eggs in the boiling water.
  7. Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes, then put off the heat, cover the saucepan and let it cool.
  8. For best results, keep it in the fridge overnight.
  9. Once the color is set, take the eggs out from the water and put on kitchen towels to dry.

  1. Use paprika and red chili for orange/red color.
  2. Put a small saucepan filled with water on the heat.
  3. Add paprika and chili powder.
  4. Let it come to a boil.
  5. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes.
  6. Dip 4 eggs in the boiling water.
  7. Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes, then put off the heat, cover the saucepan and let it cool.
  8. For best results, keep it in the fridge overnight.
  9. Once the color is set, take the eggs out from the water and put on kitchen towels to dry.

  1. Use red cabbage for blue color.
  2. Take 6-7 leaves of the red cabbage.
  3. Put a small saucepan filled with water on the heat.
  4. Submerge the leaves into the water.
  5. Let it come to a boil.
  6. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Dip 4 eggs in the boiling water.
  8. Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes, then put off the heat, cover the saucepan and let it cool.
  9. For best results, keep it in the fridge overnight.
  10. Once the color is set, take the eggs out from the water and put on kitchen towels to dry.

  1. Use yellow onionskins for the golden brown color (and use red onionskins for dark grey with marble effect)
  2. Take 6-7 yellow onionskins.
  3. Put a small saucepan filled with water on the heat.
  4. Submerge the skins into the water.
  5. Let it come to a boil.
  6. Let it boil for 3-4 minutes.
  7. Dip 4 eggs in the boiling water.
  8. Let it simmer for 3-4 minutes, then put off the heat, cover the saucepan and let it cool.
  9. For best results, keep it in the fridge overnight.
  10. Once the color is set, take the eggs out from the water and put on kitchen towels to dry.

Display your eggs for Easter, and rest assured that your kids can eat the eggs without any artificial additives!

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